Restroom Signs

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SERVING THE GREATER WAUKESHA COUNTY AREA including Menomonee Falls, Milwaukee, Waukesha, Brookfield, new berlin, WI

You’ll find restroom door signs in every office, store, and commercial property in Milwaukee. They might be the most common signs. Bathroom signs need to be clear, follow regulations, and even make your space look better. Low quality, confusing, or inconsistent signage can create a negative feeling in your space, and bathroom signs are no exception. Discover the importance of restroom symbols and how they can support your business goals below.

Why Invest in Restroom Signs?

Sure, you can get plain bathroom signs that were designed for any old space. But choosing a custom restroom sign can help your business signs in many different ways. Some of those ways include:

  • Add branding to your space, subtlety, by using the right colors and fonts.
  • Make your space feel more cohesive and beautiful with signs that all work together.
  • Maintain a perception of your brand as high-end or detail-focused.
  • Ensure that everyone feels like your property is accessible and comfortable for them.
  • Make sure that you’re following ADA and other guidelines.

Every sign that you choose should benefit your space and not be overlooked. We can help you with high-quality signs that enhance your property.

Types of Restroom Signs

Every bathroom sign needs to be a little different, and we offer custom-designed options. Still, there are a few different kinds of restroom signs that you might want to consider for your property, including:

  • ADA compliant bathroom signs: In order to meet ADA signs obligations, many properties need bathroom signs with braille and that fulfill the other requirements for these signs. Placement, color, text, and other elements of the sign may also matter. We can help you ensure that your bathroom signs are compliant with the ADA.
  • Bathroom signs with personality: You see them in restaurants and other places which are trying to develop an ambiance. These bathroom signs don’t say who they are for, instead they use metaphors. In a breakfast restaurant the women’s washroom might have a hen, and the men’s a rooster. That kind of sign should always be custom to work with your property.
  • Unisex bathroom signs: You may also need less conventional signs than just “mens’” and “womens’.” You might need family, unisex, all-gender, or other newer bathroom sign labels. We can help with these too.

Custom Restroom Signs

When you choose a custom restroom sign, you have control over every aspect of your sign. The materials, color, finish, message, and shape of the sign are all up to you. Our designers can help you make the best decisions to get restroom signs that work with your property.

Material options for your restroom sign include:

We can walk you through the pros and cons of all of these sign materials.

Get Bathroom Signs in Milwaukee

Those who need great bathroom signs in Milwaukee can reach out to our great team. Optimum Signs is here to help you get all of the signs that you need. Contact us today.